

Gretchen RED

Gretchen REDTHE BRUSH THAT STARTED IT ALL. THE ONE AND ONLY GRETCHEN.Ceramic-coated barrel eliminates frizz leaving the hair silky & smoothCeramic spreads and holds heat longer so hair straightens or curls fasterWhen heated, ceramic emits negative ions, which helps breakdown bacteria build upIonic treated bristles increase shine and reduce staticUnique one-piece handle eliminates snaggingIdeal for straightening the hairAvailable in 6 sizes


Gretchen REDTHE GRETCHEN SS BUILT FOR SPEED.Extra-long barrel allows for wider sections which reduces drying timeCeramic-coated barrel eliminates frizz leaving the hair silky & smoothCeramic spreads and holds heat longer so hair straightens or curls fasterWhen heated, ceramic emits negative ions, which helps breakdown bacteria build upIonic treated bristles increase shine and reduce staticUnique one-piece handle eliminates snaggingIdeal for straightening the hair


Gretchen PINKTHE BRUSH THAT STARTED IT ALL. THE ONE AND ONLY GRETCHEN.Ceramic-coated barrel eliminates frizz leaving the hair silky & smoothCeramic spreads and holds heat longer so hair straightens or curls fasterWhen heated, ceramic emits negative ions, which helps breakdown bacteria build upIonic treated bristles increase shine and reduce staticUnique one-piece handle eliminates snaggingIdeal for straightening the hairAvailable in 4 sizes


Gretchen CCCC MY PLAYMATE COME OUT AND PLAY WITH METhe concave shaped barrel provides greater contact to the head shape and funnels the hair to the center creating better tension and a tighter curl/wave to the hair.The bristles are crimped providing a softer touch and more give on the scalp and fingers when guiding the hair around the barrel.Ceramic-coated barrel eliminates frizz leaving the hair silky and smooth. Ceramic spreads and holds heat longer so hair straightens or curls faster. Ionic treated bristles increase shine and reduce static.Unique one piece handle feels like velvet.Available in 5 sizes


Gretchen BBMPENETRATE THROUGH THE HAIR ADDING SHINE AND CONDITIONPure root boar bristle tufts penetrate through the hair adding shine and condition.Ionic nylon bristles penetrate through thicker hair allowing for better tension.Boar bristles spread the natural hair oil or moisture (sebum) from the hair roots to the tips and avoid dryness of hair.Hair sebum, which is spread by boar bristles, act as a natural hair conditioner and hence protects the hair from all sorts of physical damages.Available in 5 sizes


wilhelmina SOFT & FLEXIBLE CUSHION PAD ADJUSTS TO THE HEAD SHAPEFeatured on Martha Stewart Living and Martha Stewart Living magazine “Best Brushes”Soft and flexible cushion pad adjusts to the head shape for better distribution of natural oils while being gentle on the scalp.Pure root Boar bristle tufts penetrate through the hair adding shine and condition.Naturally uneven Boar bristles spread the natural hair oil or moisture (sebum) from the hair roots to the tips and avoid dryness of hair.Hair sebum, which is spread by boar bristles, act as a natural hair conditioner and hence protects the hair from all sorts of physical damages.The handle is specifically designed to fit the shape of your hand for comfort & ease of use.Ideal for up do’s, brush sets and finishing the hair.Available in 3 sizes - S,M,L


VentBECAUSE SOMETIMES YOU JUST… HAVE TO VENTBall tipped bristles gentle on the scalp and helps detangle wet hairTunnel vents allow air to flow through the brush to provide quick drying and styling.Longer bristles provide maximum lift from the root area.One piece handle eliminates snagging when drying bobs or longer hair.Light weight and ergonomically design for increased comfort and feel.


TailboneREMOVE TANGLES GENTLY PREVENTING COMBING BREAKAGEThe bone comb can remove tangles gently, preventing combing breakage.The extra wide teeth allows for natural finishing and detailing of layersThe long tail is perfect for sectioning when blow drying, creating up do’s or finishing.Because of the extra wide teeth, the Tailbone can be used to comb colours throughExtra long tail comb – 11 1/2 inches.The Tailbone handmade combs are made out of a 100 percent organic resin called phenotic resin laminate/bakelite.


TroubadourEXTRA LONG EUROPEAN STYLE HAS ADDED TEETH FOR MORE CONTROLThe evenly spaced teeth provide distribution of hair within the section for cleaner bob linesPerfect for the low tension cutting techniques needed for curly, wavy, and/or thick and ethnic textures.Extra long European style comb has added teeth for more control of each section.The thick/fine teeth combination adds great versatility and is perfect with longer shears and scissor – over comb techniques.8 inch cutting comb.Now available in three colours; black, red, and white.


T-46EXTRA WIDE TEETH ALLOWS FOR LOOSER TENSIONPerfect for shorter hair cuts. Improved control in tight spots.Extra wide teeth allow for looser tension and easier sectioning.Ideal for dry cutting medium to thick hair textures.The T-46 has the right amount of comb flex which eliminates any pulling or snagging.Available in two colours – red and white.

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8100 Yonge Street

Thornhill, Ontario

Canada L4J 6W6

Phone: (905) 771 8733