(905) 830-1236


Welcome to the Borealis Naturopathic Health Centre

Since 1999 we have been successfully assisting our patients, with our expertise, to help source the root cause of their concerns and guide them towards healing treatments.

Our multitude of professional health services ensures that you have the most comprehensive support team to care and help guide you to your goals.  Let us assist you in optimizing your health.

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Meet Our Specialists

Dr. Janice Shouldice B.A., R.N.C., N.D.

Dr. Janice Shouldice B.A., R.N.C., N.D.


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Dave Huff – Honours B.A., BAT, CBP, Par.BP

Dave Huff – Honours B.A., BAT, CBP, Par.BP


Certified BodyTalk Practitioner

Certified BodyTalk Access Trainer

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Wei-Xiong (Victor) Cao – R. Ac, R. TCMP, RMT

Wei-Xiong (Victor) Cao – R. Ac, R. TCMP, RMT

Designation:R. TCMP R.Ac

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Christina Haverkort

Christina Haverkort


Registered Massage Therapist

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Alicia Gonzalez

Alicia Gonzalez


Digital Pulsewave Analizer

Meridian Medical Technician

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We take an extensive history of patients and use standard diagnostic instruments and laboratory tests. We take into account a person’s lifestyle, blood type, environment, genetics as well as their mental and emotional states.

Individualized Health Care

Naturopathic treatments are highly individualized. Our patients are involved in their health programs, and learn to make effective, educated self-care decisions which can prevent future health problems.

Treat Cause Not Symptoms

We at the Borealis Health Centre view the individual as an integral whole, where symptoms of the disease are seen as warning signals of an improper functioning body. Our primary goal is to treat the underlying cause of the disease, not merely suppress the symptoms.
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