Novalea M. Jarvis, B.BA, LL.B is a barrister, solicitor and notary public who specializes in providing family law services and independent legal advice to clients in Oakville, Burlington, Milton, Hamilton, Mississauga and surrounding communities in Ontario. She and her team are available 24/7 and evening and weekend appointments are available.
Novalea M. Jarvis, an experienced and dedicated family lawyer in Oakville, is focused on resolving family law disputes through negotiation and mediation and, when required, through litigation.
With 24 years of experience in the legal profession Novalea M. Jarvis has the experience and knowledge to assist you in arriving at a speedy resolution. We invite you to contact our office to discuss your legal needs or to schedule a free 30-minute in-person consultation with one of our lawyers.
Complete Line of Legal Services:
Complete Line of Legal Services:
Parenting time (Access)
Equalization (Property division)
Decision Making (Child custody)

Why Choose Us?
Novalea M. Jarvis, B.BA, LL.B is a barrister, solicitor and notary public who specializes in providing family law services and independent legal advice to clients in Oakville and surrounding communities in Ontario. With 24 years of experience in the legal profession, Novalea M. Jarvis has the experience and knowledge to assist you in arriving at a speedy legal resolution. Contact us to discuss your legal needs or to schedule a free 30-minute initial consultation. At Jarvis Law, our sole purpose is to provide our clients with a secured future.
Promotions and Special Offers
Jarvis Law offers a free 30-minute consultation in person or over the phone. Get in touch with us today.
Professional Affiliations
Canadian Bar Association