join us for worship april 23

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Stay Connected This Week

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Stay Connected This Week

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  • All
  • Grow Ministries
  • JR Youth
  • Kids
  • Other
  • SR Youth


Our Junior Youth program is for grades 7 and 8. We meet at church from 7:30-9:30 p.m. on the first and third Tuesdays of the month during the school year. We also enjoy special annual events like our weekend Winter Retreat and our weekend Summer Camping.

Drayton Food Bank

If you are interested in helping with the Food Bank, please contact the Food Bank by email, phone 519-504-2346 or on Facebook. We are looking for people who would be willing to help weekly and people who are interested in helping during the busier food hamper seasons (Thanksgiving, Christmas).

DRC Kids

During Sunday worship, we have nursery, Little Lambs (two year olds), and Sunday School (age 3 – grade 8). Sunday School kids are dismissed partway through the worship service.


Our Senior Youth program is for high school aged students. It meets at our church on the second and fourth Thursday night of each month from 7:30-9:30 p.m. Our Senior Youth program also participates in special events including mission trips, conferences, and weekend retreats.


LifeGroups are our small group communities that meet together regularly to study, share, and serve. If you are interested in joining or leading a LifeGroup or would like more information, please connect with Pastor Duane.