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Business listings in Canfield maintains complete business directory listings for in and about the Canfield, Ontario area. With the most comprehensive business database online in Canada, gets you connected. If you’re near Canfield, discover new user-reviewed products and services by your home, with .
Whether you’re a Jeopardy couch champ or have a bank of random references you’re dying to blurt out, a weekly trivia night is a great way to one-up your pub night and go home with plenty of bragging rights. From general knowledge, theme nights and prizes up for grabs, check out these top bars to use your memory muscles. [Image credit:]
Whether you’re looking for an intimate evening with your cocktail lover in a dark and cozy setting or breathtaking vistas of downtown Toronto, the city is full of watering holes with a truly other-worldly feel. Here are seven cocktail bars in Toronto that promise to have you feeling warm and fuzzy in no time. [Image credit:]
Toronto is home to many chocolate shops that offer unique takes on truffles, chocolate bars and more! From vodka infused chocolate to artisanal hot chocolate, there are so many ways to indulge your craving for chocolate. Here are some of the best chocolate shops in Toronto. [Photo of Delight Chocolate’s ginger ganache-filled chocolates]