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Business listings in Hemmingford maintains comprehensive business directory listings for in and around the Hemmingford, Quebec area. With the most comprehensive database of businesses anywhere in Canada, Yellow Pages is your Find Engine. If you live in or near Hemmingford, discover the best user-reviewed products and services by your home, with .

Thinking of taking your lover out to dinner for Valentine's Day? Head to the Plateau-Mont-Royal, where there's a whole host of fine and fetching restaurants...
Eating out is very popular for Valentine's Day, and that holds true for meat-eaters and vegetarians alike. If you fall into the latter category, here are some good ideas for places where you can enjoy tasty veggie cuisine in the company of your loved one!
Are you planning a romantic evening out, maybe for Valentine's Day? The restaurant may be a classic date, but it's one that will always be appreciated! Here are some restaurants in the Mile End neighbourhood where you can spend a romantic evening together. Don't leave it too late to book!
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