1670, rue Louis-de-France, Trois-Rivières, QC G8W 2C2 Get directions
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Salles de banquets surrounding Trois-Rivieres QC: 19 of 42 result(s)

17575, boul Bécancour, Bécancour, QC G9H 1A5 Get directions
Auberge Godefroy is chic hotel is located midway between Montreal and Quebec City, a few minutes from Trois-Rivières. Member of Hôtellerie Champêtre, it is distinguished by its man... more... See more text
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1 Chemin du Golf, Shawinigan, QC G9T 5K4 Get directions
Founded in 1910 in Shawinigan, le Club de Golf de Grand-Mère is one of the oldest golf courses in Canada. Come live a unique experience based on the purest Scottish tradition! more... See more text
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