Whole Family Health is a team of acupuncturists and massage therapists passionate about activelyimproving the health of your whole family. Our goal is to help you get into the best health possible so you can create the life you want and celebrate it.
Owner Kellie Willie is a registered nurse who worked in the delivery ward. She’s also a certified exercise physiologist and has combined those two specialties into a fitness program targeting new and expectant moms. The classes are for all fitness levels and tailored to the mom-to-be and her current stage. Fit Your Life is based out of the Whole Family Health Centre which is an acupuncture and massage therapy clinic so you after your workout you can stay for a massage as well.
Somewhere between stretch marks and swollen ankles, you can still find your happy place with the help of a prenatal massage. Collaborating with a team of prenatal care professionals who offer pre and postnatal yoga, acupuncture and nutrition, this integrated health care clinic can help ease all the unplanned aches and pains of pregnancy. Their pregnancy and induction massages use tried-and-true acupressure and shiatsu techniques, bolsters, blankets and heat pads to ensure the comfort and safety of mom and baby and keep you feeling your best from bump to birth.