We all know the story of Alice in Wonderland – the girl who falls through a rabbit hole into a fantasy world populated by fantastical creatures. At Vancouver’s Laurence and Chico Café, with its whimsical pink-wallpapered ceiling, rubber duck–themed restroom, and fancifully dressed mannequins, you are transported back into childhood fantasies.
Created in the minds of New York based Laurence Li and Chico Wang – founders of its namesake label Laurence & Chico – its namesake Café is where food and design collide.
“The space is bold, surreal and lively with hints of traditional couture techniques and luxurious materials,” says Chico. “Our designs are avant-garde, and we want the everyday customer to be able to experience the Laurence & Chico story — that is why we created our Café! By stepping into the Laurence & Chico Café, the customer immerses themselves into our world through purchasing our delicious beverages in custom cups and creative desserts.”
In fact, it’s not often we're excited about going to the loo, but even here the whimsy continues with painted ducks on the walls as well as a plethora of plastic ducks on the ceiling.