Many times, life is really challenging. You are often awake at night, wondering how to handle all the pressures. Your emotions swing wildly, with more down than up. Fears churn through your mind, and you cannot shut them off. Tears surge up at odd times, and you are pulled down by the heaviness in your chest. Or, you have a lot of conflict in a close relationship. Your spouse, your boss, whoever it is, the strife and negative feelings are so frustrating and draining.You know you need help. This time, you cannot fix things on your own, no matter how hard you try. And seeking help is ok. After all, if we have problems with our physical health, such as a broken arm, we know it is fine to go to the doctors with expertise in that area. If we have difficulties in our emotional or relational health, it is also valid to go to the doctors with expertise in treating those problems. And getting help shows your courage. It shows that you want to face these challenges, and to overcome them and grow.more...See more text