Get those unsightly or annoying stumps and roots professionally removed from your property. Call Brent's Stumps Removal for quality tree services in Boundary Creek, NB.
Whether you need stump removal for your residential or commercial property, I can handle the job. Specializing in grinding the stump without leaving a gaping hole, I offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee for my work. I also perform whatever clean-up is required for a reasonable price. If you need to cut down trees, I work with a licensed arborist to cater to all your needs. Reach out to Brent's Stumps Removal today for a free quote.
Our new stump grinder is on tracks and can walk through gates as narrow as 36? and reduces the impact on your lawn. If you are tired of those unsightly and nuisance stumps in your yard? Brent specializes in grinding the stump to 6-8” below grade without leaving a gaping hole. The mulched material that is left over is levelled, grass seed thrown on, water it and watch it grow.
Call or text Brent today for your free quote or also email 506 852 0125more...See more text