Chaises Musicales
Esri, TomTom, Garmin, FAO, NOAA, USGS, © OpenStreetMap
152 James St N, Hamilton, ON L8R 2K7
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Meet the owner

A Hans Wegner chair hangs on a wall, temporarily. A Dieter Rams wall unit showcases 1950s vases, temporarily. By this time next week, Jeremiah Boyter will have rearranged his merchandise countless ways in his aptly named store, Chaises Musicales.

Originally suggested by his niece, the store’s name captures Jeremiah’s self-described “chair obsession,” and his constant shuffling of the mid-century designer furnishings, curated curiosities, lighting, housewares, records, books and films that grace the space. In fact, in his youth, Jeremiah would always surprise his mother returning from work with a rearranged room. “I’m always rearranging. It’s something I constantly do,” he laughs.

With a background studying film, and influenced by design, Jeremiah always had an eye for the esoteric and unusual. His shop contains hand-selected products that he loves and finds beautiful, especially chairs. “I love chairs,” Jeremiah states before continuing, “Everything that I have in here is essentially a form of art.”

Jeremiah’s deliberately eclectic approach is not only a reflection of his tendency to become bored if he’s not constantly doing something, but also ties into his philosophy of wanting to delight people with an ever-changing inventory. “I like to shake things up, to make it as appealing as possible,” he explains.

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