Silver Sage Housing Corporation OUR MISSION: TO PROVIDE AND PROMOTE HIGH QUALITY AFFORDABLE HOUSING FOR FIRST NATIONS PEOPLE LIVING IN URBAN CENTERS.Silver Sage Housing Corporation was incorporated in November 1983 as a Provincial NonProfit Organization. The membership of the Corporation are those individuals who hold the Office of Chief of Member First Nations of the Touchwood File Hills Qu'Appelle Tribal Council.Silver Sage Housing Corporation presently manages a total rental portfolio of 452 housing units inclusive of 428 single or semidetached units, 18 apartment type units, are 6 condominium apartments. Except for 5 single detached housing units in Fort Qu'Appelle, this housing is located in Regina.Silver Sage Housing Corporation, out of the entire portfolio, owns 190 units which were acquired under the Urban Native Housing Program through Canada Mortgage & Housing Corporation (CMHC). The balance of the portfolio being 262 units, is Public Housing managed by Silver Sage Housing Corporation on behalf of the Province and CMHCmore...See more text