709 Area Code Lookup: Cities and Phone Numbers

Where can you find numbers in the 709 area code?

Phone numbers in the 709 area code can be found in 216 cities or locations.

Those phone numbers can be found in the following cities or locations: Arnold's Cove, Badger, Baie Verte, Battle Harbour, Bay L'Argent, Bay Roberts, Beaumont, Bell Island, Belleoram, Bellevue, Benoit's Cove, Birchy Bay, Bishop's Falls, Black Duck Cove, Black Tickle, Bonavista, Botwood, Boyd's Cove, Branch, Brent's Cove, Brig Bay, Brigus, Brown's Arm, Buchans, Burgeo, Burin, Burlington, Campbellton, Cape Broyle, Carbonear, Carmanville, Cartwright, Catalina, Centreville, Chance Cove, Change Islands, Chapel Arm, Charlottetown (Bonavista Bay), Charlottetown (Labrador), Churchill Falls, Clarenville, Clarke's Head, Codroy, Come By Chance, Comfort Cove - Newstead, Conche, Cook's Harbour, Coomb's Cove, Corner Brook, Cottrell's Cove, Cow Head, Daniel's Harbour, Deer Lake, Degras, Eastport, Englee, English Harbour East, English Harbour West, Fairhaven, Fermeuse, Fleur De Lys, Flower's Cove, Fogo, Forteau, Francois, French Island, Freshwater, Gambo, Gander, Garden Cove, Garnish, Gaultois, Glenwood, Glovertown, Grand Bank, Grand Bruit, Grand Falls, Grandois, Great Harbour Deep, Green Island Cove, Greenspond, Grey River, Griquet, Hampden, Happy Valley - Goose Bay, Harbour Breton, Harbour Main, Hare Bay, Harry's Harbour, Hawkes Bay, Heart's Content, Heart's Delight, Hermitage, Hickman's Harbour, Hillgrade, Hillview, Hopedale, Horwood, Island Harbour, Isle Aux Morts, Jackson's Arm, Jamestown, Jeffreys, Joe Batt's Arm, King's Cove, King's Point, L'Anse Au Loup, LaPoile, LaScie, Labrador City - Wabush, Ladle Cove, Lamaline, Lark Harbour, Leading Tickles, Lewisporte, Little Bay, Little Bay Islands, Little Harbour, Little Heart's Ease, Long Harbour, Long Pond, Lourdes, Lower Island Cove, Lumsden, Main Brook, Makkovik, Mary's Harbour, Marystown, McCallum, McIvers, Millertown, Milltown, Ming's Bight, Monkstown, Monroe, Moreton's Harbour, Mount Carmel, Musgrave Harbour, Musgravetown, Nain, Natuashish, New Chelsea, New Harbour, Newman's Cove, Nipper's Harbour, Norman's Bay, Norris Arm, Northwest River, Old Perlican, Pacquet, Paradise River, Pasadena, Petit Forte, Pinsent's Arm, Plate Cove, Point Leamington, Pool's Cove, Port Albert, Port Au Port, Port Aux Basques, Port Blandford, Port Hope Simpson, Port Rexton, Port Saunders, Portugal Cove, Postville, Pouch Cove, Princeton, Raleigh, Ramea, Red Bay, Reef's Harbour, Rencontre East, Rigolet, River Of Ponds, Robert's Arm, Rocky Harbour, Roddickton, Rose Blanche, Rushoon, Seal Cove (Fortune Bay), Seal Cove (White Bay), Seldom, Smokey, Sop's Arm, South Brook, Springdale, St. Alban's, St. Anthony, St. Brendan's, St. Bride's, St. George's, St. John's, St. Lawrence, St. Lewis, St. Mary's, Stephenville, Stephenville Crossing, Summerford, Summerside, Terra Nova, Terrenceville, Torbay, Trepassey, Triton, Trout River, Twillingate, Upper Island Cove, Wesleyville, Western Bay, Westport, Whitbourne, Wild Cove, Williams Harbour, Witless Bay, Woody Point.

The carriers providing phone numbers in this area code are: Aliant Telecom (Mobility), Aliant Telecom (NF), Allstream Inc., Bragg Communications Inc., Fido Solutions Inc., Iristel Inc., Rogers Communications Partnership (Cable), Rogers Communications Partnership (Wireless), TELUS Mobility, TELUS Quebec.

Most popular prefixes in 709

  • 728
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  • 489
  • 727
  • 351
  • 746
  • 576
  • 749
  • 634
  • 896
  • 638
  • 685
  • 944
  • 725
  • 770
  • 639
  • 700
  • 765

Phone number(s) in area code 709

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