Cedar & Sage Physiotherapy
Online Booking is Available!
Please click on the “Book Now” to access our online booking portal.
You are welcome to contact our team with questions, guidance, or booking inquiries via hello@cedarandsagephysiotherapy.ca or by calling
(250) 384-1120.
We are Cedar & Sage
At Cedar and Sage Physiotherapy, we're driven by a deep passion for healing and rehabilitation. Our clinic specializes in addressing a wide range of injuries and pain areas, including those of high-performance athletes. We integrate cutting-edge education, research-backed techniques like ConnectTherapy™ and The Thoracic Ring Approach™, Manual Therapy, and Dry Needling. Our approach focuses on identifying the primary cause of your problem, leading to lasting pain relief and restoration of function and performance.

Therapy Dog On Site!
Molly, the resident therapy dog, is on site at the clinic. She is hypoallergenic and very friendly!
Meet the Rest of Our Team
Our Services
Thoracic Ring Approach
Is a specialized technique that targets the intricate connections in the thorax, promoting optimal movement patterns and relieving pain for enhanced mobility and function.
Connect Therapy
Focuses on the whole body's interconnectedness to address underlying issues and optimize your movement patterns for improved performance and well-being.
Manual Therapy
Our Manual Therapy sessions are personalized to target specific areas of discomfort, promoting mobility, flexibility, and overall well-being.
Dry Needling
Experience the benefits of Dry Needling a technique that helps alleviate pain and improve muscle function by targeting trigger points with precision.
Meet the Team
Felicity Klimstra
Stephanie Meier
Kim Lobb
Leigh Negin
Libby Meakin

Contact Us
You are welcome to contact us at our front desk with questions, guidance, or with further booking inquires.