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Business listings in Centre D'InterprZtation du Patrimoine de Sorel presents complete business listings for in and near the Centre D'InterprZtation du Patrimoine de Sorel, Quebec region. With the most extensive database of businesses online in Canada, is your first choice for search. If you live around Centre D'InterprZtation du Patrimoine de Sorel, discover new user-rated companies by your home, with .

If you close your eyes and you think "cabane à sucre" (sugar shack), you will probably think of a large wooden shack/cabin in the middle of the forest. But did you know that it is not necessary to cross a bridge to calm your fancy for eggs in maple syrup, taffy, and everything else that is not good for health but works wonders for the morale? Here are some places to visit in our beautiful sweet metropolis.
Montreal offers many possibilities for evening activities, but combining entertainment with a meal isn't always easy. You might decide to watch a hockey game, but what if you’re hungry? A role-playing game can go on for hours, how will you hold up? We’ve thought it over and come up with several suggestions for places to enjoy yourself without going hungry or thirsty.
Escape games have spread far and wide in recent years, and several of these businesses have opened in Montreal. They offer a fun and original activity to enjoy with friends, or as a team-building exercise with colleagues. Themes and scenarios vary, giving you plenty of opportunities to test your lateral thinking and creativity. Good luck!
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