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Business listings in Wendake
Yellow Pages provides complete business listings for in and about the Wendake, Quebec region. With the most extensive index of business types online in Canada, Yellow Pages gets you connected. If you live around Wendake, discover new user-reviewed products and services by your home, with Yellow Pages Canada.
While there is no shortage of eating establishments in Quebec City, finding a family-friendly spot with great food can pose a bit of a challenge. Whether you're a visitor, new to the city or playing tourist in your home town, try any or all of these places that the whole family can enjoy.
You can time the seasons by iced coffee: when it appears on the menu, you know warm weather is here, and when it disappears, you know summer is over. It's the perfect way to keep cool, and on top of your calendar. And here in Québec City, you'll find no shortage of options for this delicious drink.
You wake up on the weekend, it's raining outside and all you want to do is relax with a good coffee. Quebec City offers plenty of places specializing in delicious coffee and a warm atmosphere. Here is a list of the top cafés and coffeehouses where you can lounge while indulging in a great-tasting cup of coffee.