Nutrition And Food Sensitivity Counsel, Acupuncturists, Lung And Urinary And Digestive Disorders, Meridian Cupping / Meridian Scrapping, Exercise, Lung & Urinary & Digestive Disorders, Skin Problems And Sleep Disorder And Stress, Sciatica And Whiplash - Without Needles, Acupuncture, Holographic Meridian Therapy, Facelift And Weight Control And Stroke, Neck/shoulder/back/foot Pains, Assessment Of Health Condition, Vision Problems, Chinese Herb Remedy, Hormone Inbalance, Headaches And Allergy And Neuralgia Arthritis, Menopause Infertility, Paralysis And Bell Palsy, Muscular Atrophy-multiple Sclerosis
Ms. Tian's principles and philosophy are: Highest professional standards and care and respect for the patients. Her goal is to obtain at least 95% of success. Chinese Medicine and ...more...See more text
Live Blood Analysis, Non-Surgical Facelift, Intravenous Nutritional Therapy, Darkfield Microscope Examination, Immune System Testing, Cardiovascular Risk Assessment, Cancer Treatments, Naturopathic Medicine, Hydrotherapy, Mesotherapy, Biological Terrain Assessment, Botanical Medicine, Cellulite Treatment, Homeopathic Medicine, Family Health & Prevention, Clinical Nutrition, Acupuncture, Acid/Base Regulation, Radio Frequency, Antiaging
Dr. Liz Storjohann combines science with naturopathic medicine to understand & improve your health. Personalized designed treatments around your individual needs using effective tr...more...See more text