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289 Victoria St N, Main, Kitchener, ON N2H 5E1 Get directions
Physiotherapy, Registered Massage Therapy, Pelvic Floor, Pelvic Health, Pediatric Pelvic Health
At Body in Motion in Kitchener, our focus is individualized, hands-on treatment by a registered physiotherapist. Our physiotherapists have the knowledge and the skills to assist wi... more... See more text

Clinics surrounding Downtown Kitchener Kitchener ON: 86 of 91 result(s)

19A-385 Frederick St, Kitchener, ON N2H 2P2 Get directions
Medical Walk-In Clinic, Minior Illness Exam, Skin Condition Exam, Minor Injury Exam, Pregnancy Test, Strep Test, Driver Physical Exam, Employer Physical Exam, Vaccination, Doctor's Note
Welcome to Frederick Walk-In Clinic where care for patients and excellence in customer service is our main priority. Conveniently located a minutes away from the Express Way 85 and... more... See more text
301-450 FREDERICK ST, Kitchener, ON N2H 2P5 Get directions
Appointments Available By Referral, Endocrinology, Psychiatry, Dermatology, Internal Medicine, Family Medicine
The team of physicians at Weber Medical Centre & Walk In Clinic are approachable and make it their life’s work to help those in need. From a friendly administrative staff to each f... more... See more text
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42 Bridgeport Road East, Waterloo, ON N2J 0B3 Get directions
Virtual Services, Natural Facials, Super Natural Facials, Microneedling, IPL, Add-Ons, Health Centre, Other Services
We're different, so we love that you're different too. We know that everyone's skin is unique, requiring customized care. What works for one customer may not work for another, + fi... more... See more text
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