Planning a trip and booking a hotel room? Make sure to ask these questions when you’re booking your hotel room. A great start is to check out hotel ratings and reviews on, but you can also ask these questions while researching or booking a hote
Want a luxurious vacation at a price you can afford? Here are five tips to help you save big on hotel accommodations that go beyond asking friends and family for recommendations.
Ice hotels are a growing vacation trend worldwide and within reach of the everyday traveller. Here are 3 great reasons you should book your vacation in this can't-miss experience today.
Looking for the right hotel room for your needs? Read on to find out more about the secrets of selection.
From meeting new friends to connecting with local culture and events, find out why staying in a Canadian hostel is better than a hotel in more ways than one.
When you stay at most hotels and resorts, you can use free hotel WiFi if you know how to access it. Here are some tips for staying connected.
Contrary to belief, hotels and inns offer different experiences. Here's what you must know before booking a room to make your vacation memorable, not miserable.
Ever wondered what the world's finest hotels are really like? Keep reading to find out what makes the world's top-rated hotels different from the rest.
Tipping at a hotel can be a mystery: when, who and how much do you tip? To help you avoid embarrassment, here's the traveller's ultimate guide to hotel tipping practices.
Travelling with kids can be exhausting, but you can enjoy your hotel room with these simple tips.
Not sure which breakfast option to choose? American or Continental? Here's what hotel breakfast choices mean.
Hotel safety is something we’d rather not worry about when travelling. However, it's good to be prepared. Before your next trip, here are some top hotel safety tips you absolutely need to know.
Special hotel services and facilities are meant to make your visit memorable. The next time you travel, take advantage of these six hotel amenities that can make an average stay awesome.
We'd all love to stay at five-star hotels when we travel, but the reality is that most of us can afford only less expensive hotels where safety and cleanliness are a concern. Here are some smart ways to make your vacation healthier.
Motels are commonly associated with roadside stopovers. Motels are convenient, more affordable than hotels, and some even offer comparable amenities.
Find out what capsule hotels are all about.
Going on a holiday with young children can be stressful for the entire family. Find out how staying at family-friendly hotels can help make it easier.
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