A mattress is a big purchase for any budget and many are not eager to replace a faulty bed. Before visiting a mattress or furniture store, try these home fixes for a better night's sleep.
June 30, 2015
A mattress is a big purchase for any budget and many are not eager to replace a faulty bed. Before visiting a mattress or furniture store, try these home fixes for a better night's sleep.
Give it a little more support
First, lift up your mattress and take a look at the frame beneath. You may find that some of the supporting wooden slats are cracked or broken. If so, try the following remedy.
Deodorize and freshen with baking soda
Deal with a musty mattress by making up a dry mixture of one part baking soda and one part dried lavender (an herb that aids sleep and restfulness). Sprinkle the mixture evenly onto the surface of the mattress and leave it for a couple of hours before vacuuming off. Flip the mattress over and repeat on the other side.
Turn your mattress regularly to prolong its life.
Make a habit of turning the mattress every time you change the sheets; alternate rotating it from top to bottom with flipping it over to ensure that it wears evenly. Tuck a note under the mattress to remind you which way to turn it next time around. "No turn" mattresses (which have one sleeping surface) should not be flipped but should still be rotated.
Check the frame, the mattress and the floor
Loose joints are usually to blame for a squeaky bed, especially if the bed has a wooden frame, the components of which can swell and contract with the changing seasons.
Fluff it back up in your tumble dryer
When a good shake is no longer enough to plump up the fibres in your duvet, pop it in the tumble dryer on a cool setting. Add a couple of new tennis balls and run the dryer for 30 minutes. The action of the balls as the duvet tumbles will bring the bounce back to your bedding.
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