Aside from saving space in the refrigerator, putting fresh food in cold storage helps guarantee a healthy diet and acts as a backup in case anything prevents you from buying fresh food at the supermarket.
June 19, 2015
Aside from saving space in the refrigerator, putting fresh food in cold storage helps guarantee a healthy diet and acts as a backup in case anything prevents you from buying fresh food at the supermarket.
A cellar or cool pantry was once the only place to store produce to eat later during the cold winter months. Nowadays it's still worthwhile buying fresh, seasonal fruit and veg when plentiful and inexpensive. And some of yesterday's cold storage methods still work best.
For storing supplies, all you need is a cool, well-ventilated basement storage room or a frost-free garage. The optimal ambient temperature is 4 to 5°C with humidity of 80 to 90 per cent.
With the exception of apples, pears and grapes, fruits are not suited for long winter storage in the cellar because they suffer cold damage starting at 10°C. Storing fruit in the same area as fermenting liquor or pickles in a barrel will also damage the fruit.
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