Anyone who has ever dealt with clogged pipes, soap scum and metallic-tasting tap water knows the problems associated with hard water. Fortunately, this sort of ground water can be "softened" using different methods. Here are the most common.
November 3, 2015
Anyone who has ever dealt with clogged pipes, soap scum and metallic-tasting tap water knows the problems associated with hard water. Fortunately, this sort of ground water can be "softened" using different methods. Here are the most common.
The most common kind of water softeners are actually filters. Specifically, these filters are salt-based.
This process will add trace amounts of sodium to your water, though. So while it's extremely effective at removing hard elements, salt filtration may not be the best option for people on low-sodium diets.
Anything marketed as a "salt-free" filter isn't really a filter at all. Instead, it's a descaling process.
You should consider this option if you want to enjoy the health benefits of mineral-rich water.
There are packaged chemical softeners available on the market, but are specifically for wash water.
N.B.: You should never use chemical methods to soften water that your household (including pets!) will be drinking or using for cooking.
Plain and simple, magnetic water softeners using current technology just don't work: they don't pull minerals out of water, nor do they permanently alter the state of the minerals.
Currently, magnetic systems are either ineffective when installed too far back in your water system or prohibitively expensive to install in every faucet.
Which water softening system is right for you depends on why you want softer water:
Using this information as a jumping off point for further research into the kind of water softening system you think will work best for your home, you'll soon be ready to make an informed decision.
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