Working a full-time job can be exhausting. Finding a daycare for your children if your work schedule falls outside of regular business hours can be even more frustrating. Here's some advice that could help.
December 9, 2014
Working a full-time job can be exhausting. Finding a daycare for your children if your work schedule falls outside of regular business hours can be even more frustrating. Here's some advice that could help.
The harsh reality is that it’s pretty hard finding trustworthy childcare outside of normal working hours.
It’s difficult for operators to provide flexible childcare because they rarely have the financial resources for staffing extended opening hours.
As few regulated childcare services are open outside normal working hours, parents with nontraditional work schedules often have to turn to unregulated in-home caregivers.
In some workplaces, extended-hour childcare is available specifically because the nature of the work involves nontraditional hours.
Parents with irregular work schedules would do well to know that daycares typically charge a costly penalty if they’re late picking up their children, especially if it’s after the closing time of the facility.
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