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Products and Services

  • Used Book,
  • Bookstore,

Languages Spoken

  • French,
6723 Rue Saint-Hubert, Montréal, QC H2S 2M7
Useful Information

Opening Hours *Holiday hours

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  • $11 To $25,

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Meet the owner

Jonathan Roireau is the proud owner, with his wife, of Librairie Parenthèse, a bookstore in the St-Hubert Plaza that specializes in second-hand books.

After their first child was born in 2013, the couple opened the bookstore that same year with two goals in mind. The first was to balance their lives as young parents and workers. At the time, Jonathan's better half was working as a sous chef at a restaurant, and her working hours weren't compatible with the family life the couple wanted.

Jonathan, who had worked in a bookstore on Mount-Royal Avenue for seven years, says the couple's second motivation was to get involved in community life. "We opened in the Plaza because we live nearby, and we believe in living as part of a community, a village, a neighbourhood," says Jonathan.

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Editor’s Pick
The very best independent bookstores in Montreal

The very best independent bookstores in Montreal

Located on the Plaza Saint-Hubert, this dynamic neighbourhood bookstore not only offers used books and CDs but also advice and suggestions, courtesy of staff members who love everything related to books. Here, one can buy, sell, exchange and, above all, take one's time. The bookstore does not have an official website, but its Facebook page is very busy and awfully inviting!

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