Soba Et Sushi Bar invites you to their restaurant. Explore a menu featuring a variety of sushi, priced at 11$ to 25$ and experience their casual atmosphere. They graciously provide a take-out menu and are open nightly all week. Payments by Visa and MasterCard are accepted.
On Sherbrooke Street, straddling the divide between Notre-Dame-de-Grâce and Westmount, sits a neighbourhood haunt that caters to local residents’ cravings for Asian delicacies. The menu at Soba Sushi indeed offers a unique combination of sushi and Szechuan-style Chinese dishes. “We’re a humble little restaurant, but I believe our customers can come here and discover new tastes,” proclaims owner Jacky Kwok, who runs the restaurant along with his parents. Soba Sushi’s takeout counter is also a neighbourhood fixture: at least three quarters of all orders are either delivered or picked-up. “People who try us often become regulars,” Jacky explains.