235-3545 32 Ave NE, Calgary, AB T1Y 6M6 Get directions
For private, high-functioning women who want to ditch the end-of-day drinks so they can feel grounded, connected and get back to truly enjoying their life again! Today more than ev... more... See more text

Addiction Treatments & Information surrounding Yaletown Vancouver BC: 95 of 98 result(s)

Vancouver, BC
Addictions, PTSD, Trauma, Grief
Inspire Change Health & Wellness is a 5 Star Men's Addiction Treatment Centre specializing in drug and alcohol recovery. Our Inpatient Drug Rehab Program Transforms Men's Lives Usi... more... See more text
1755 11 Ave E, Vancouver, BC V5N 1Y9 Get directions
Addiction Information & Treatment, Trauma Work, Family Program, Vancouver Treatment
OUR MISSION To promote health and recovery from addiction? through treatment, education and support that strengthens ?individuals, families and communities. ESTABLISHED, AFFORDABLE... more... See more text
Three months at Pacifica turned my life around. The Councelling is top notch & the support workers are there for you 24/7. The instruction classes were eye opening and very beneficial (at 47 I finally learned why I feel the way I do & how to change what isn't working). NVC is s powerful tool to have. I would have like more everyday practice with it. THE SALAD BAR!!! I lost 30 lbs by covering 1/2 my plate with veggies. Trout lake walks were an awesome bonus. Housekeeping was excellent! Read more
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