100-733 boul Saint-Joseph, Gatineau, QC J8Y 4B6 Get directions
Mouth Guard, Overdenture, Wheelchair-accessible Denture Clinic
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Clinics surrounding Hull Gatineau QC: 337 of 381 result(s)

560-1145 Hunt Club Rd, Ottawa, ON K1V 0Y3 Get directions
Medical And Ultrasound Services
Sound Care Medical and Imaging is a licensed Diagnostic Facility legislated by the Ministry of Health of Ontario since 1986. We offer diagnostic ultrasound services in Obstetrics-G... more... See more text
394 Rue Centre Gd, Shawville, QC J0X 2Y0 Get directions
Nurses, Physiotherapy, Family doctors, Physiotherapist, Osteopath
12 Family doctors, 2 Physiotherapists 1 Osteotherapist 1 Psychotherapist 1 Nurse practionner (NP)
240 Sparks St, Ottawa, ON K1P 6C9 Get directions
Medical Clinic, Medical Centre, Walk-In, Family Physicians, Specialists, Orthotics, Travel Medicine, Travel And Routine Vaccinations, Allergy Testing, Employment & MOT Physicals
For 20+ years the doctors of the Appletree Medical Group have been providing travel medicine services to patients and their familes travelling outside of Canada and the United Stat... more... See more text
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