Vitamins, Minerals, Gluten Free Product, Beeswax Candles, Books, Pet Food & Supplements, Water Filters, Cleaning Products, Body Care - Shampoo, Soap, Creams, Essential Oils, Food Supplements, Mail Orders, Teas
Call us 709-726-0254
Product orders are done every week. Just let us know if you want us to order you a certain product. We can mail orders to you via Canada Post anywhere in N...more...See more text
Our company's commitment is to help you achieve your ultimate goals, whether it may be for personal satisfaction or to gain that competitive edge. We make it our job to provide you...more...See more text
Manuka Honey, Sunfoods Superfoods, Hammer Nutrition, New Roots, CanPrev, Pure Source
In the Pink health Food Store is a family business. We believe that prevention and ones own obligation is essential to a healthy lifestyle. A healthy outside starts from the insid...more...See more text