Natural Medicine - Nutritional Counselling, Weight Loss - Anti Aging, Master Herbalist - Athletic Excellence And Perfectionnement, Mental And Emotional Disorders, Homeopathy & Herbal Medicine, Cardiovascular Health - Menstrual, Menopause Issues, Clinical Orthomolecular Nutritionist, Doctor Of Homeopathic Medicine, Bioidentical Hormone Therapy
Our purpose is to provide you with valuable health information, and completely natural quality products that really work. We provide one-on-one personal care and health coaching in...more...See more text
Homeopathic Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine, Cardiovascular Risk Assessment, Botanical Medicine, Darkfield Microscope Examination, Cellulite Treatment, Biological Terrain Assessment, Family Health & Prevention, Acid/Base Regulation, Live Blood Analysis, Intravenous Nutritional Therapy, Clinical Nutrition, Antiaging, Immune System Testing, Cancer Treatments, Radio Frequency, Acupuncture, Mesotherapy, Non-Surgical Facelift, Hydrotherapy
Dr. Liz Storjohann combines science with naturopathic medicine to understand & improve your health. Personalized designed treatments around your individual needs using effective tr...more...See more text