… just coming back from x- raying my very painful knee and hip ! I was treated with much respect and patience by the technician ! thanks ! that helps a lot ! Read more
1515 Commercial Dr, Vancouver, BC V5L 3Y1 Get directions
family practice
When you visit our practice at 1515 Commercial Drive you open the door to an entirely new and different medical practice experience. That is how you will feel when you visit one of... more... See more text

Medical Clinics surrounding Commercial Drive Vancouver BC: 363 of 369 result(s)

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2728 Hastings St E, Vancouver, BC V5K 1Z9 Get directions
East Hastings, x-ray laboratories medical and dental
200-460 Nanaimo St, Vancouver, BC V5L 4W3 Get directions
Alternative Medicine
MCRCI is dedicated to assisting patients who are helped by the use of medical marijuana. We arrange for them to meet with a qualified doctor who has an understanding of cannabis an... more... See more text
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