View more results in Guildford Surrey BC

Pubs surrounding Guildford Surrey BC: 112 of 124 result(s)

2080 United Blvd, Coquitlam, BC V3K 6W3 Get directions
Pub, Bar, Wheelchair-accessible Restaurant, Restaurant With Parking, Restaurant With Live Entertainment, Restaurant With Party Services
Hard Rock Casino Vancouver in Metro Vancouver is home to unparalleled entertainment, dining and gaming offerings. From a live band to a local DJ; fight night to the big game, Asylu... more... See more text
1000 Austin Ave, Coquitlam, BC V3K 3P1 Get directions
The John B has a comfortable setting both inside and out and an atmosphere that you would expect from a friendly neighbourhood pub. With an equal focus on both selection and qualit... more... See more text
Great food and the women are extremely friendly. Read more
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