4830 Sheppard Ave E, Toronto, ON M1S 3V6 Get directions
We believe in empowerment and pride in achieving personal goals. Whether it be running for your first marathon or being able to spend quality time with family and loved ones, we at... more... See more text
1401 Ellesmere Rd, Scarborough, ON M1P 4R4 Get directions
Our corporate mission at Scarborough's Healthmax Physiotherapy Inc is to treat and educate members of the community, and help patients achieve optimal health and personal wellbeing... more... See more text
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Rehabilitation Services surrounding Agincourt Scarborough ON: 720 of 780 result(s)

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2901 Markham Rd #10, Scarborough, ON M1X 0B6 Get directions
inside the Urgent Care Clinic
We can make a difference in an individual's ability to live an active, healthy lifestyle. For many people, physiotherapy is the key to restoring and maintaining a level of physical... more... See more text
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114-2100 Ellesmere Rd, Scarborough, ON M1H 3B7 Get directions
Our all female therapy team will work together to diagnose and treat your condition, using the latest techniques and equipment to ensure that you are back on your feet, (and back t... more... See more text
Excellent physiotherapy. Keep up the good work:) Read more
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