208-333 Broadway E, Vancouver, BC V5T 1W5 Get directions
At Back in Motion our team of physiotherapists & massage therapists are proud to offer their skills in new state of the art clinics to treat a wide range of injuries & painful conditions. more... See more text
201-2520 Ontario St, Vancouver, BC V5T 2X6 Get directions
Westcoast SCI formed in 2010, pioneering a new vision for physiotherapy. We assembled a diverse team of physiotherapists who share a dedication for active-based living. Whether you... more... See more text

Rehabilitation Services surrounding Mount Pleasant Vancouver BC: 483 of 489 result(s)

5854 Victoria Dr, Vancouver, BC V5P 3W9 Get directions
On Victoria Dr for over 30 years. You'll find a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, contagious optimism and an environment full of positive energy. more... See more text
135-555 12th Ave W, Vancouver, BC V5Z 3X7 Get directions
Our approach is centred upon a thorough biomechanically based analysis of the problem area and how this links with your overall body movement pattern. By identifying key elements o... more... See more text
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