3724 Hastings St, Burnaby, BC V5C 2H5 Get directions
Vital Body exclusively offers the best Weight Loss Program in British Columbia. There are two contracts when you take on this program. One is to lose the weight. The second is to k... more... See more text

Weight Control Services & Clinics surrounding Burnaby North Burnaby BC: 78 of 85 result(s)

This is the first program that has brought me fast, consistent results. I lost more weight in the first 2 months than in the past few years of trying various things on my own. I feel great, more energetic and certainly not food deprived! With the daily educational videos, app full of recipes, tips, tracking and fitness videos and the one-on-one coaching support by trained professionals, I am confident for the first time that I will achieve and maintain my goal! Read more
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